





Tiki Taka Toe Serie A Calcio Game

Tiki Taka Toe Serie A Calcio game, also know as Tris Calciatori, is an interactive, unlimited footy trivia game, inspired by Play Football Games and Immaculate Grid. This grid is totally focused on Serie A Calcio teams.

How to Play Tiki Taka Toe?

how to play footy tic tac toe game?
  • Rule 1: Match players to each cell according to row and column criteria.
  • Rule 2: Selected players must have played for the teams starting from 2005-2006 season.
  • Rule 3: Each player can only be used once.
  • Rule 4: You get 9 guesses to complete the grid. All guesses, right or wrong, count.
  • Rule 5: You can select any Soccer player, active or inactive, starting from 2005-2006 season.
  • Rule 6: A new grid is available every day at 5 AM EST. Enjoy unlimited fun with the Tiki taka toe unlimited grid game!